Please note that Whitby Community Network hosts the following information for “20s Plenty for North Yorkshire”.
20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire is run by volunteer residents, led by Ian Conlan 20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire is a county branch of 20’s Plenty for Us, the National Campaign for default 20mph limits where people live, work, shop, learn and play.
The Highways Authority with speed limit powers is North Yorkshire Council (NYC). The NYC Speed Review, was promised since November 2022, and was beset by delays. Our proactive response to the delay by NYC was to prepare a 20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire Speed Review informed by expert evidence on current best practice, plus we invited consultation comments. We undertook the speed review survey from 24th May through to July 7th 2023, where consultees were encouraged to express their views via a simple Google docs survey, and to inform their North Yorkshire Councillor (see this page for email details) and Cllr Keane Duncan (who sets transport policy) of their views as soon as possible. See also the list of explicit consultees for this survey.
The NYC Speed Review was finally presented to the NYC Executive on Tuesday 4th July. 20’s Plenty had requested a draft of the NYC speed review on 18th May 2023, but sadly Cllr Keane Duncan refused this on 23rd May 2023, writing to say the NYC review is compliant with DfT speed limit circular written in 2012, which is out of date by a decade and doesn’t factor in Welsh and Scottish policy for National default 20mph.
A reminder that 28 million people in the UK already enjoy a default 20mph limit signed policy. 153 Parishes in North Yorkshire and the Harrogate and Selby Area Committees for North Yorkshire Council (totalling the majority – 54% of residents represented) have passed supporting motions for 20mph as default: see the list of parishes. If we had the “democracy” that Cllr Keane Duncan purported to in his statement following the NYC Speed Review announcement those areas that have passed motions would now be looking forward to the implementation of 20mph in their areas. As it is, they are still in limbo with inadequate road safety, wellbeing and quality of life.
Since 20s Plenty for North Yorkshire believe in openness and transparency we present the results of our survey here, in full. The only data that is redacted are emails / names.
To summarise, of the 239 replies there are 171 votes in favour of our proposal, 64 votes against, and 4 don’t know. That is 71.5% in favour of default 20mph, 26.8% against, and 1.7% undecided. This is consistent with UK Government surveys, which have also shown that approval of default 20mph increases after implementation.
Response | Group name/ward | Support | Comments for Keane Duncan |
1 | Resident – Norton | Yes | Safety of our children and elderly people is being put at risk by the continued failure of the county council to introduce a 20mph limit in our towns and villages. The cost in terms of injuries suffered as a direct result of the permitted speed being too high is morally indefensible. |
2 | Headteacher – Killinghall CE Primary | Yes | Outside Killingahll CE Primary school it is vital for a 20mins limit. |
3 | County Councillor. – Aire Valley | Yes | The villages which I represent are utterly unsuitable for traffic moving faster than 20mph once off the through roads. We need to protect our children and our elderly residents and prioritise people. |
4 | Road safety expert – 20’s plenty for us | Yes | 20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire has a democratic mandate for change to the best practice policy of wide area 20mph. Its your duty to prevent casualties and improve the County’s safety, health, the climate and raise business viability |
5 | Resident | Yes | 20mph is calmer, quieter, safer, more pleasant than 30mph |
6 | Representative of a group – Whitby Community Network | Yes | Your climate strategy will require significant expansion in active travel, and you simply will not get there without providing 20mph in urban residential areas since your provision of active travel infra is simply not happening, nor will it ever get to urban residential. People have a right to feel safe when walking, as well as the need to have more walking for health reasons … which is not possible without this measure. You’re welcome to come to Whitby Community Network meeting and discuss |
7 | Representative of a group | Yes | Local school and speed of traffic is far too dangerous |
8 | Resident | Yes | With all the proven benefits to driving 20mph rather than 30mph it is hard to understand why people oppose it. |
9 | Representative of a group – Muker Parish Councill | No | We have no need of 20mph as layout of road and narrowness means 30mph is not achievable so 30mph is fine for the Parish. |
10 | Resident | Yes | |
11 | Parish Clerk – Sicklinghall Parish Council | Yes | It is essential for the safety of our children, young people, elderly residents, cyclists, horses and other road users. |
12 | Resident – Whitby and District | Yes | Every speeding motorist rushing to and through Whitby and District becomes a pedestrian once they park and get out of the vehicle. Only then do they begin to criticise ‘All this speeding traffic.’ Us residents of this area have to deal with over a million visitors and their cars every year, everyday! |
13 | Resident – Chapel Haddlesey | Yes | 20mph outside the school |
14 | Resident – Green Lane Community Connections | Yes | At 20 mph a person has a chance of surviving being hit by a car – at 30mph no such chance exists |
15 | Resident | Yes | This isn’t just about reducing road traffic accidents, we need forward looking policy shift which meets the needs of current issues presented by climate change, community breakdown and health by enabling communities to get outside, play outside and choose different methods of transport in a country dominated by motor transport. |
16 | Resident | Yes | It’s not just about reducing road traffic accidents in a country dominated in motor vehicles, we need a forward thinking approach that meets the current needs of climate, social cohesion breakdown, health and wellbeing which enables people to go outside, play outside, interact outside and choose alternative transport forms in a safe environment. |
17 | Resident | Yes | Whashton is a hamlet only accessible by minor narrow roads/lanes. Driving faster than 20mph drastically increases the risk of collisions and danger to pedestrians, cyclists and animals (horses and riders in particular). |
18 | Representative of a group – Riverside Primary School | Yes | |
19 | Headteacher of Brompton Community Primary School | Yes | We are the only school in Northallerton and beyond that does not have a 20mph restriction outside of our school. Station Road is a very busy road used by a variety of transport including tractors and heavy plant vehicles. Station Road is very close to my parents and pupils as they walk to school and we have had too many near misses over time and I am hugely concerned about my student’s safety on their journey to and from school. |
20 | Resident – Sandsend | Yes | Sandsend is a picturesque seaside village, tucked in and around two small valleys, connected by two stone bridges and, as such, is a magnet for holiday makers and day trippers alike. Unwitting visitors, of all ages, who wander and marvel at the 3 mile beach and expansive view of the sea must first negotiate a very busy A road. A steady flow of traffic, made up of every vehicle ranging from cyclists and tractors to motorbikes and articulated lorries, drives through our village and must negotiate the bridge pinch-points to cross the streams. A 20 mph limit is the only workable solution to calm the traffic enough to allow safe movement of both vehicles and people. |
21 | Resident | No | We don’t need it. Stop meddling in people’s lives and wasting other people’s money. |
22 | Resident | Yes | Why do we have traffic streaming through the middle of Whitby in th first place? |
24 | Resident – Lower Washburn Parish Council | Yes | Currently in our village we all feel unsafe on the lanes, especially where verges are not suitable for pedestrian use, due to the speed and volume of traffic. |
25 | COPD sufferer | Yes | massive traffic narrow pavements no e3bforcementsw ofr already pathetic atte3mptsw at reswtricting cars |
26 | Resident | Yes | 30mph for large agricultural vehicles with heavy trailers through a village with no footpath is DANGEROUS. |
27 | Resident | Yes | Example: I drove through Ruswarp today as the primary school was coming out – anything over 20mph would have clearly been unsafe. Same would apply in Sleights (where I live). Crossing the main road here is very difficult when the traffic is heavy (which it often is) unless you are young and quick. Many motorists do not even observe the 30mph limit. “) mph would do nobody any harm and would benefit residents |
28 | Resident – Nawton (Ryedale) | Yes | Every resident of this area I have spoken to agrees with that most 30mph areas should be reduced to 20mph. Most cars are now considerably heavier that when the 30 limit was instigated decades ago. A child hit by an SUV would be seriously injured. |
29 | Representative of a group | Yes | I urge the council to change the speed limit where people live to 20 mph rather than 30 mph. It is simply the right thing to do from a number of perspectives eg safety, air pollution, quieter, would encourage more people to walk and cycle ,popular with residents. We had a very high number of residents in favour of 20s Plenty in Helmsley. Costs are relatively reasonable for the benefits it would bring. Several other places have 20s Plenty eg Oxfordshire, most of Scotland and Wales. It is a global movement. |
30 | Resident – Slingsby | No | This is a fundamentally flawed concept; people who do not observe speed limits will NOT observe new limits. This is primarily suitable (if at all) for urban NOT rural areas. To reduce accidents you should be aiming at reducing overall traffic by providing viable alternatives-investing in public transport for example & reducing the number of new homes being built in unsuitable areas with insufficient infrastructure. |
31 | Town Councillor – Leavening parish | Yes | I think we have to accept that reduction in speed limit is a positive principle for communities across a North Yorkshire. Residents want this, they wasn’t to be safe and ensure their communities thrive. Where there is less traffic and danger, then this is east to a hive. If Cllr. Duncan is to be known as progressive and is a true North Yorkshire resident, he should accept the strong evidence for lower speed limits. It’s just a culture war to argue otherwise. It’s as much his legacy as it is our communities. |
32 | Resident | Don’t know | Cllr Duncan, could you also consider hamlet like High Marishes whereby an RTC personal injury occurred – driver drove into house wall in Sept 2021. Thornton Lane just off A169 is a national speed limit road but there are residential properties here. Noise, pollution etc. Has there ever been a survey carried out on this area? Why is it a national speed limit and not 30mph area. Would appreciate your view. Thanks |
33 | Parish councilor – Lockton Parish Council | Yes | We have a road that is national speed limit (so legally a car could travel at 60 mph) past the play ground and residents houses when it’s in the boundary of the village. Luckily due to the layout of the road speed of cars is limited but it gets heavily used as a rat run to get through the village. |
34 | Resident – Malton North Yorkshire | Yes | As a resident of Norton and Malton for all my life I have seen the traffic increase 10-fold, the bypass that was put in years and years ago was originally to have traffic not having to come through Norton. I lived in Athol Square in Norton and saw the cars coming through it is now worse! Highfield Road over the last 11 years has got worse, yes, we have the restriction of HGVS coming over at school times, which has been great. But, we have a really short 20mph zone and the road goes to 30 mph just before a blind corner which can I add there is The Croft which have the most vulnerable people but they don’t get thought of! Cllr Duncan says he knows the issues of the towns but has he ever come to Highfield Road to see for himself. |
35 | Resident | No | I do not support this proposal and did not vote for it. |
36 | Teaching assistant, Malton Primary Academy, Malton Town Councillor also | Yes | Malton Primary Academy is one of 2 schools on Highfield Road along with a Special Needs Facility which is right on the corner of a very narrow road with a blind bend. Trucks and cars stream over this road and put the most vulnerable in society at risk every day. We as a school are part of Modeshift Stars an accredited scheme to use cars less and walk, cycle and scoot more. We have a crossing patrol that isn’t reliable, and to top it off we have a road with a very short 20mph speed limit and it ends before the blind blend I have already mentioned! We at the school support 20’s plenty and we are thinking of our children, but I am thinking of all the others who will possibly attend the 2 schools. We are considering the elderly, disabled and vulnerable people in this area. I personally invite Cllr Duncan to come to our school and meet with me and I could show him figures and data of what the road is like and possibly see for himself what the road is like with the traffic. |
37 | Resident | No | This is a waste of our money. I don’t agree with your plans to introduce this. It is undemocratic and I don’t recall voting for this. |
38 | Resident | Yes | How are you going to stop the hundred of tractors going through my village driving at over 20mph? |
39 | Resident | No | I did not vote for this and don’t support it. Is this an example of how the new North Yorkshire Council will be wasting our money and forcing their views on the electorate ! |
40 | Resident | No | There is absolutely no necessary to waste public money on such a blanket scheme. If there are specific hotspot areas then deal with them in the appropriate manner, do not make everyone crawl about at 19 mph to satisfy the few who have a mission in life to obliterate private cars. In rural areas there is no choice, there is no public transport system similar to a town as it is not financially sustainable. 30 mph is quite sufficient for the Catterick Village and Garrison area. There are speed bumps where required and there have been no pedestrian deaths to my knowledge (they would have been reported in the newspapers) in the 23 years of living here. The many bicyclists would exceed this limit most of the time. Which century are we living in or are we going back to the 18th. |
41 | Resident | No | Why, when the council should be concentrating on providing the services it is supposed to deliver (transport, roads, house insulation, solar grant, value for money, adequate waste services, social housing, care homes etc) is this even being raised? It’s in direct contravention of the councils policy for indiscriminate & unsuitable housing development inn rural areas with atrocious service which encourages more traffic which is a far greater contributor to accidents than a 10mph speed reduction. |
42 | Resident | No | We don’t need them |
43 | Resident | No | Do NOT support this! |
44 | Resident | No | Your survey is clearly engineered to only look at views supporting this draconian, un-environmental and didactic policy. |
45 | Resident | Yes | Traffic past our farm and associated dwellings are inappropriately fast for a rural area with narrow roads , limited forward visibility and the possibility of meeting livestock, and or livestock using the high ways. Children use village green spaces to play and often there are no pavements in villages for residents to use meaning both young and old have to walk on the highway. |
46 | Parish Councillor – Ryther cum Ozendyke | No | Clearly depends on the topology of the village in question. Even then it’s generally part of the village that is suitable for 20mph. So why not say so. |
47 | Resident | Yes | I live a town on a street with houses on both sides of the road on a stretch of road between 2 corners. Cars are accelerating coming out of the first corner, and then braking to go round the second corner. As both corners can be safely negotiated at 30mph they must be speeding. If they are not speeding, why the acceleration and braking which results in increased polution (noise, particulates etc.) and increased fuel useage. Travelling over the borders into Lancashire and into West Yorkshire, it is noticable that unlike North yorkshire, there are 20mph speed limits on residential roads in cities, towns and villages. |
48 | Retired Leading Firefighter | Yes | Living in a village with the A170 passing through at 30mph we witness recorded speeds in excess of 50 / 60mph on a daily basis. On a hourly basis we witness at least one vehicle passing through the Red light on the pedestrian crossing travelling in excess of 50mph. More often the slower vehicles are travelling slower because they are texting on their phones. It is only a question of time before someone is knocked over, God forbid it is not a child walking to school. Hopefully by reducing the speed to 20mph through the village may slow vehicles down to between 30 / 40mph |
49 | Resident – Helmsley | Yes | We have a major A road going through the market town of Helmsley. Many residents are elderly and with a lack of crossings find it difficult to cross the road. Many examples of traffic exceeding the current speed limit are witnessed including large agricultural vehicles. It is a matter of time before an injury or worse a fatality occurs. For the safety of residents, visitors, children, cyclists and walkers it is required. Clllr Duncan and indeed other Councillors both County and Parish need to consider very carefully their obligations and responsibilities to the people they supposedly represent. |
50 | Town Councillor – Church Fenton | Yes | The village is on a long windy road and we have a lot of articulated vehicles going to LEeds East Airport going far too fast |
51 | Resident | No | Policy needs to be piloted, and fully assessed. |
52 | Resident | No | We don’t need them. They’re likely to be an ineffective costly distraction for the police and increase pollution. Please put this proposal in the bin, where it belongs. |
53 | Resident | Yes | We very much need a 20mph speed limit. Cars, lorries, coaches and tractors exceed 30mph from 7am until 7pm every day on the A170 through Helmsley. The noise pollution and air pollution is really bad and stays trapped in our valley. |
54 | Resident | No | We do not need this. Its a waste of Council Tax payers money and not something we voted for. Measures like this are designed to penalise and restrict motorists in a large rural area like North Yorkshire and will bring the new council into disrepute. |
55 | Resident | No | I do not agree with this scheme. Its not needed and a total waste of money. Thinking this is an investment with a return is laughable and treats the electorate as fools. The public have had enough of this nonsense. |
56 | Resident – Malton North Yorkshire | Yes | In the area around schools, built up areas, where children are playing, elderly and any other vulnerable person. The roads around Malton Primary Academy are not suitable for a 30mph. Cllr Keane Duncan needs to come onto Highfield Avenue to see for himself. |
57 | Resident – Saxton | Yes | Village used as a cut through to and from M1 and local industrial estates. Many drivers speed on narrow roads, past the school etc |
58 | Resident | Yes | none |
59 | Resident | Yes | A very high proportion of traffic (cars, HCVs, motorcycles) travel at speeds which deter ‘active travel’ of walking or cycling. In my village there are no pavements so I have to walk on the roadway, with traffic travelling at speed. Crossing the road is difficult especially for the elderly, the young, those with a disability and those with pushchairs. A 20mph default limit would make a major contribution to improving safety, health and quality of life. But a fundamental look at all speed limits is long overdue. |
60 | Resident | No | We don’t need additional 20mins limits |
61 | County Councillor. – Embsay with Eastby | Yes | The Parish and Town Councils in my division overwhelmingly support 20mph speed limits where people live, not on all roads of course. There are three primary and three secondary schools as well as an FE college here. A 20 mph in the vast majority of my division would encourage active travel such as walking and cycling and thereby reduce vehicular traffic as well as pollution around these schools and in surrounding residential areas. A 20mph speed limit on most streets would also vastly reduce the danger from vehicles causing accidents. There has been one fatality, an adult pedestrian, and two serious accidents (both children) in the last two years, that I know of. |
62 | Resident – Helmsley | Yes | Constant speeding in our residential streets (50mph!) is dangerous for residents |
63 | Resident | No | We do not need any 20mph zones and calls for such should be discounted. |
64 | Resident | Yes | Farm machinery and wagons cannot stop quickly enough on our roads in town travelling faster than 20mph. |
65 | Representative of a group- Bellerby PC | Yes | Time to show some leadership and grasp the opportunity to bring down our KSI rate. Save lives and money. |
66 | Resident | No | We do not need 20mph. The current 30mph limit is broken daily by locals and tourists alike. Those who break 30 will still break 20 but at 20mph pedestrians and traffic will more at risk as slower speed is harder to judge. Just police and penalise those that break the 30mph in place. 30mph is safe if it’s observed by all. |
67 | Resident | No | Existing speed limits are adequate . Just police them better |
68 | Resident | Yes | So many riders/drivers exceed the current 30mph limit currently and in view of this a 20mph limit might at the very least slow traffic a little. |
69 | Resident | No | WE do not need 20mph on trunk roads. 20 may be appropriate in non trunk roads such as estates of house. It should risk based depending on the history of the road, |
70 | Resident Whashton | Yes | We need a 20mph on Stoneygate Lane Whashton because of horses, cattle, sheep making there may up and down the road which is currently 60mph. There have been several accidents, near misses and aggressive drivers. |
71 | Resident | Yes | Changing 30mph signage to 20 mph in effected areas is a relatively simple and cost effective exercise and reaps the benefit of reducing further cost associated with dealing with accidents through speeding @ 30mph and above. A good investment to resulting environmental benefits through reduced pollution etc . |
72 | Resident Malton | No | There is zero evidence for 20mph being safer in most areas, schools or care homes excepted. Just more delay, pollution, and aggravation for most road users. |
73 | Resident Monk Frystom | Yes | The A63 through Monk Fryston is used by significant HGVs with no speed control beyond occasional mobile speed camera. Anything to reduce speed to allow safe crossing and safer conditions for residents is important, especially given recent accident resulting in injuries. |
74 | Resident | Yes | No. |
75 | Resident | No | Do not want the 20 mph speed limit through the village |
76 | Parish Councillor Church Fenton | Yes | It keeps people safe, it reduces traffic noise, it reduces carbon emissions, it is better for communities, and there aren’t really any downsides, so just go for it! Please! |
77 | County Councillor. Ripon Ure Bank and Spa | Yes | Ripon Ure Bank & Spa has 5 schools within the division. We have an obligation to ensure that our children live healthy and safe lives. A speed limit of 20mph will lower carbon emissions & air pollution, and reduce the incidence of serious injury or fatality in road traffic accidents. Residents support the implementation of 20mph as speeding traffic cases noise pollution |
78 | Resident | No | None |
79 | Road safety expert | Yes | The road in our village is used as a race track we have no pavements and a very bad corner that you have to go into road to see if anything is coming we are a small village and we now have a number of children living in the village plus a number of old people somthing really needs to be done |
80 | Resident | Don’t know | Increased use of 20mph makes sense, but he should remain critical of a blanket 20mph limit. |
81 | Town Councillor White Leys | Yes | Road safety in our busy town |
82 | Resident Mulgrave Ward | No | We don’t , leave our roads as they are. You will simply cause more traffic mayhem by lowering the speed limit |
83 | Resident Swinton Malton | Yes | We need a 20mph speed limit for traffic turning off the B1257 into the village and we are to start campaigning for 30mph on the B1257 through the top of the village. We realise 20mph is unrealistic for the main road. |
83 | Resident Whitby | No | We don’t support. 20mph zones are not good for modern cars. It will only lead to extensive repair bills for residents. |
84 | Resident | No | Outside of villages certain countryside roads also need a reduced speed limit, most are 60 mph which is high for many narrow single track roads. |
85 | Parish Councillor Fearby and Healey | Yes | Makes perfect sense |
86 | Resident | Yes | I live adjacent to the A171 Whitby to Scarborough Road, the main route into and out of Whitby on the southern outskirts. There is a large industrial site to the south, currently expanding and including Aldi, Sainsburys, B&M and Iceland, NYC Highways Office and yards and the town’s recycling centre, as well as many local businesses and both a primary and a secondary school nearby. It is also the main route to Woodsmith Potash Mine, to say nothing of the tourist traffic would be a sin, and of course all those who work in the area. A new large 240+ housing estate is being built opposite the large stores and will lead to a further increase in traffic movements. To the north is another industrial estate, and the 40mph New Bridge, with a junior and a secondary school both sited in the 40mph area. The volume of traffic is rising, HCV’s carrying bulk materials and hauling containers from Teesside and further north to Scarborough, and the port of Hull, and vice versa. This is just a postcard picture of the almost continuous traffic travelling through the heavily built up area on a 30mph road. Now imagine living where I do, where a straight road encourages boy racers to accelerate and many motor bike riders to do the same, overtaking and doing wheelies and travelling in large groups. The noise from artics suddenly braking as they approach a corner is like the sound of thunder. When buses stop for passengers traffic is held up causing long tailbacks and annoyed drivers. Because of the sheer volume of traffic on this road, its proximity to homes and schools and the danger for pedestrians crossing the road it should be made a 20mph zone. At least then most of the traffic will travel at speeds up to 30mph instead of the present 40mph. |
87 | Parish Council Chairman Kirby Hill & District | Yes | No |
88 | Parish Clerk Byland with Wass and Oldstead Parish Council | Yes | Wass and Oldstead are small Villages with narrow roads where 30mph at times is too fast. Wass lies at the bottom of Wass bank used as a rat-run for drivers to save going through Ampleforth. It is also on the caravan route to Helmsley so the village attracts a lot of traffic including heavy goods vehicles, and in summer moths large numbers of caravans diverted from Sutton Bank. |
89 | Resident – Great and Little Barugh, Malton | Yes | Our villages are blighted with speeding traffic including HGV’s which are vibrating properties and have the potential to cause damage. There has also been a number of near misses both with speeding HGV’s and people visiting the area and Flamingo Land who are unfamiliar with the roads and speed through the villages. Our Parish Council has been collecting speed data from a VAS sign and the data shows regular speeding through the villages. Therefore 20’s plenty should be instigated in both villages. I would also go further in Great Barugh and plum for traffic calming measures to physically slow traffic. |
90 | Resident | No | We don’t need 20mph limits, they simply punish the motorist! |
91 | Resident | Yes | Schools and horses in Langton Road Norton Malton Current limits of 20, 30, and 40 need simplifying and extending towards Langton to cover area used by horses coming on and off the Gallops |
92 | Representative of a group Twenty’s Plenty For Norton | Yes | It might be argued that there is already a “20 mph safety cordon” around Norton Community Primary School but it is limited and fractured into non-contiguous regions featuring, as it does, admixed 30 mph zones (for example the roads that link Commercial Street to Wood Street and Beverley Road). Somewhat surprisingly, the (subjectively) most dangerous road that many young children must negotiate on their way to school (Mill Street) is not included in the cordon. This particular road is relatively long and effectively constricted, not only by inherent features of the local built environment but also by the pattern of parking, leading to customary (but not obligate) alternate yielding of traffic at opposite ends, associated with reciprocating single file flow rather than continuous dual file counter flow. The relatively long interval associated with the last vehicle in some notional convoy traversing this section often provokes the breaking of the existing speed limit by drivers of vehicles that arrive “late” (that is, just as the car in front of them is reaching its other end) at the “entrance” to the constriction, in an apparent attempt to extend the period of “control” of this section before yielding to the opposite flow. The section on which this occurs has limited visibility both for drivers and for pedestrians, so that it appears particularly dangerous for the children and their families that have to negotiate it on their way to school. It would seem better to use mental “trial and error” behaviour to imagine the potential adverse consequences of this situation rather than wait for some hapless individual to become the subject that suffers some life-changing event that concretely demonstrates and confirms its overt danger. The early introduction of a default 20 mph offers an opportunity to ameliorate this situation and reduce the risk of such tragedies. |
93 | Resident | Yes | This will be money well spent: it will make life much more pleasant and safe. Does the indicative cost include the necessary speed cameras to ensure the limit is observed? |
94 | Visitor | Yes | I visit the Whitby area as a cyclist and pedestrian reasonably often and support the 20mph speed limit idea as it makes roads safer for all users, and isn’t THAT inconvenient for motorists. And how do you balance a small amount of inconvenience with the increased risk to people’s lives? |
95 | Headteacher of a Primary School | Yes | 20mph would be greatly appreciated outside of Primary Schools. The traffic congestion and speed needs to be reduced to improve pupil and family safety. |
96 | Resident | Yes | Don’t under why there would need to be exceptions if 30 mph! We have period if heavy traffic in our village (visiting Studley royal) and no pavements. It is very dangerous for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, horses and riders and cyclists |
97 | Resident Fountains Parish Studley Roger Ripon | Yes | Our Village is the gateway to The National Trusts Studley Royal Park we have a mix of cars, farm Vehicles, gas tankers due to the storage facility, pedestrians, horses and cyclists. A reduction of the speed limit from 30 to 20 would make a considerable difference to reducing the risk of injury and promote the enjoyment of residents and visitors to our very special village. |
98 | Resident | No | Speed restrictions on rural road should not just apply to the Villages 60 MPH is too fast. Speed restrictions on rural road should not just apply to the Villages 60 MPH is too fast. |
99 | Resident | No | I feel the blanket use of 20mph limit will be generally be ignored, the use in high risk areas serves to highlight specific hazards. Also many villages do not need a 20mph limit and the suggestion that exceptions could be made will only lead to confusion. I also read there is a large number of people and Councillors supporting 20 is Better but I do not see anyone currently driving at 20mph when they have supposedly identified a hazard. We do not need 20mph limit where I live we need to 30mph limit enforcing. |
100 | Parish Councillor Studley Roger and Fountains | Yes | Concealed driveways i have had a few close calls because front of my car has to be sticking out on to the road for me see |
101 | Resident Pickering | No | We don’t need to change what we have. Leave our speed limits as they are. |
102 | Town Councillor Bishop Thornton, Shaw Mills and Warsil | Yes | We are plagued by motorists – and cyclists – driving too fast on a dangerous bridge well-used by walkers. There have been a number of near-misses. |
103 | Resident | No | If the benefits of 20 are so great, then what next? Why not 15? Or 10? Or 5? At some point, lower and lower limits become absurd and you would need overriding evidence to say the cost / benefit made sense. So let’s apply the same logic to 20 – don’t do it where it’s of no benefit. Not against 20 limit where there is a clear and demonstrable need, but strongly oppose blanket scheme everywhere. If the benefits of 20 are so great, then what next? Why not 15? Or 10? Or 5? At some point, lower and lower limits become absurd and you would need overriding evidence to say the cost / benefit made sense. So let’s apply the same logic to 20 – don’t do it where it’s of no benefit. |
104 | Town Councillor Bishop Thornton, Shaw Mills and Warsil | Yes | In the villages of the Bishop Thornton, Shaw Mills and Warsill parish the main roads are narrow, often partially obstructed by parked cars and in some places have no footpaths. Traffic calming measures have been slow to be implemented, only partially successful and further changes are necessary- such as reducing speed limits where required. |
105 | CEO RoadPeace – national charity supportimng road crash victims | Yes | RoadPeace strongly support 20mph speed limits. As the UK’s member led charity supporting those bereaved or with life changing injuries as a result of a road crash, we know the devasting impact that speed can have and campaign for vision zero. |
106 | Parish Councillor Bishop Thornton, Shaw Mills and Warsill | Yes | Traffic speeding through local villages is a problem, it is a danger to walkers, riders etc I feel 20mph is fast enough through a village. |
107 | Parish Councillor Masham Parish Council | No | We do not need general 20 mph limits, only in exceptional areas if a good case can be proven. |
108 | Town Councillor Pateley Bridge Town Council | Yes | It will reduce accidents and pollutions and increase active travel |
109 | Resident Settle | Yes | No |
110 | Town Councillor Masham Parish council, Swinton with warthermarske | No | With parking in Masham irs virtually impossible to go faster than 20mph. And traffic slowing methods used will cause major disturbance to residents. We do not need them |
111 | Representative of a group Ripley Parish Council | Don’t know | Ripley would prefer to see the money of £5-£10 per head going towards enforcement of current speed limits rather than changing the speed limits across the county. Although Ripley is a 20mph area, speeding is a regular occurance and having the speed limit enforced where it already exists would be Ripley Parish Council’s preference. Ripley village is already a 20mph area |
112 | Town Councillor Masham Parish Council | No | I do not believe that it is worth the costs involved to warrant the imposition of the scheme. |
113 | Resident Knaresborough | Yes | We live in a tourist hot spot with people who are unfamiliar with some roads which are faster than they should be. Cars travel very fast through Knaresboroigh often without regard for pedestrians. The risks are exacerbated when there are many people who are unfamiliar with the area and / or have consumed alcohol. |
114 | victim of traffic violence | Yes | This change will save lives, prevent lifelong injury and enable active travel |
115 | Resident | Yes | Our village (Saxton), is used as a cut through to the much larger and growing area of Sherburn in Elmet, South Milford and beyond. This initiative will help to protect the residents and children of Saxton, especially at the start and end of the school day. |
116 | Resident | No | It is not necessary in many places 24hrs a day all year round No |
117 | Resident | No | The idea of this is as daft as it is insane. You simply cannot apply a blanket rule over an entire county for all villages as all villages etc are not the same. Granted, SOME places need a 20mph limit but this is during busy times (school for example), small villages with residents etc. Indeed, after the evening rush hour there is no eartly reason why there should be consideration of a 20mph limit when there is little to no traffic. 30 mph is more than sufficient; the issue is enforcement. At 20mph many people feel their cars will stall and as it seems a v slow speed, people will naturally accelerate. Keeping a car at 20mph is actually not the easiest matter. Several years ago I pleaded for the council to apply A speed limit in NIDD as people were driving recklessly and dangerously; did the Council listen to me. Not at all. It took over 3-4 years for a 40 mph limit to be installed and then only after a death occurred, which I had warned NYCC, HBC and the local police about. The daft excuses we were given as to why a speed limit could not be installed were mind boggling. Even now, when a 30 mph limit is more suitable and necessary in my opinion, the excuses and obstacles we get are astounding. All for the sake of saving lives. 20 mph works when there are busy times, essentially, in places. A blanket enforcement is simply ill thought out, apart from the huge cost attached to it where our taxes can be better used. Please see above regarding the NIDD issue, welcome to talk further. |
118 | Resident | No | Traffic flow needs to be improved to reduce congestion and reduce pollution and the cost to businesses caused by staff and vehicles being delayed. The speed limits that have already been reduced should be restored to previous levels. |
119 | Resident | No | Leave well alone |
120 | Resident South Stainley | Yes | We live on a road which is not even a two car one ! |
121 | Resident | No | I would prefer case by case decision not a blanket decision. For instance I think a busy high streets like in Knaresborough should have a 20mph limit. Traffic can bearly get above this speed and this limit would increase safety for pedestrians. Some villages would benefit but some “villages”. As above. |
122 | Resident | Yes | I live in a small village with narrow lanes that people whizz round, I have concerns for the safety of pedestrians |
123 | Resident South stainley | Yes | Church lane is narrow with some passing places and to have a limit of 60 is very dangerous – lots of walkers, bikers, children and animals on the lane |
124 | Resident | Yes | None specific other than its the A road that runs through our village of South Stainley that desperately needs calming attention. |
125 | Resident | No | No |
126 | Resident Whitby | Yes | We have to put up with a road system that is utterly pedestrian unfriendly, with inadequate or no crossings, and with a poor bus service. How are older people supposed to get about with cars racing around not giving way to pedestrians? A seventy something year old was knocked down on Mayfield Road before Christmas, life changing injuries. How many more? |
127 | Resident | Yes | Concern of the speed of traffic by local village school. Plus speed traffic travel through the village. |
128 | Parish Councillor Azerley Parish | Yes | Farm and holiday traffic still drive too fast in small communities often endangering pedestrians and Playing Children and other road users. Any reduction in speed will make it safer for all. |
129 | Resident | No | Modern vehicles have excellent brakes and systems to protect pedestrians and I don’t think the 20 mile an hour limit is needed & wast of money |
130 | Resident | No | |
131 | Resident | Yes | |
132 | Chair South Milford Action on Flooding | Yes | |
133 | Resident | Yes | |
134 | Clerk Saxton-cum-Scarthingwell with Lead Parish Council | Yes | |
135 | Resident | Yes | The facts speak for themselves and all evidence suggests that everyone would benefit from 20mph limits in towns and villages. |
136 | Resident Ryedale | No | I agree with 20 mph near to schools but think it would have a dire economic impact on towns as a blanket instruction. |
137 | Resident | Yes | saves fuel, saves LIVES |
138 | Resident | Yes | There are currently no traffic calming measures at all in Scarborough where i live . Consequently cars regularly travel at 50 miles ph plus in Town |
139 | Resident | Yes | Foe many year’s NYCC / NYC Transport Policy has sought to ‘speed the flow of traffic’ throughout N. Yorks. This has now gone far too far and the traffic flows dangerously fast for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. Please now change NYC Transport Policy to ‘Slow the Flow for the safety of ALL road users.’ Not to mention Carbon Reduction. |
140 | Resident | Yes | We all need to slow down and have respect for all other road users and pedestrians. |
141 | Resident Gargrave | Yes | In brief my daughter and granddaughter had a near miss with a speeding car in Gargrave alongside the village green on South St where we live . This road has no footpaths and is a residential street and vehicles speed along it daily Action not words is required Thanks |
142 | Town Councillor Burton-on-Yore, Masham | No | Having just received the raw survey results for our Local Plan Consultation where the question was posed, it is clear that there was very little support for this measure. (20mph.) Most do not want traffic calming measures which accompany this scheme in the centre of Masham. Due to it’s layout, and the parked traffic, due in measure to little or no off street parking in many areas, it is not possible to travel at much more than 20mph, so not necessary. In Low Burton on main A6108, traffic does speed, despite a 40mph zone. It is a real problem and at times very dangerous to pull out of resident’s properties. Other measures are really badly needed. |
143 | Resident | No | Stop the (car) school run first – cars parked inconsiderately near to schools are creating dangerous driving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and all other road users The Harrogate Gateway Project is a baseless waste of money – the same reason why the other proposed projects (eg the Oatlands Drive one way idea) were eventually ditched – why are you pushing along with spending money just because it is available and without proper justification? None of you will ever be held accountable for wasting money, whilst the public clamour for simple things like pothole repairs and the gutters swept of detritis and rubbish picked up. The cycle path from ASDA to Ripley is not maintained, has lack of bins, is unlit for dark evening commutes, overgrown and generally an unkept shambles – try starting there instead. And no mention of the Otley cycle path debacle! |
144 | Resident | Yes | 5 months ago I was hit by a careless driver while I was cycling this resulted in me suffering a spinal fracture and my life is very different now, by reducing the speed limit in our villages myself and my children would feel safer to ride our bikes and go for walks. |
145 | Town Councillor North Stainley Parish | Yes | North Stainley is on the busy A6108. The 20’s plenty proposal was discussed last week at a Stakeholders Meeting in the village (School, Church, Recreation Trust) and there was unanimous support for this measure. The road is particularly busy through the Summer months (the Lightwater Valley theme park is less than a mile away). North Yorkshire Police have regular speed camera patrols. |
146 | Representative of a group. Grantley, Sawley, Evaestone and Skellding Parish Council | Yes | Sawly and Grantley are used each day as a rat run and very little traffic adheres to the current speed limit so anything that highlights an accident waiting to happen is good |
147 | Parish Councillor Burton Leonard Parish | Yes | Very busy village with a primary school in the middle and lots of parked cars make travelling through the village hazardous. Reducing the speed limit may help |
148 | School Council – Markington Church of England Primary & Nursery School | Yes | Our school is in a small rural village with narrow pavements. Our school entrance is only 1.18metres from the road and at school drop off and pickup it gets really busy – particularly as many parents have younger children and prams. Our school does not have a hall so a few times a week we need to walk down the High Street for our PE lessons. The children are very close to the traffic as they walk to their lesson and when they need to cross the road, it is tricky to keep everyone safe. We think it is vital to protect our environment for us and future generations. We think that we change the speed limit as soon as possible. |
149 | Resident Scarborough | No | By the arguments given, reducing speed limits to 10mph and then to 5mph would be far more beneficial. This would give a lot more reaction time for all concerned and reduce accidents to pretty much zero, so I don’t understand why you are pushing for just 20mph. Based on your arguments, therefore logically it doesn’t make any sense to stop at 20. If you did go lower, most modern cars now mostly fitted with collision warning devices and automated emergency braking systems would not need these expensive driver safety features in towns at all. The current figures you present tend to argue how ineffective you say these safety features are at 30mph anyway along with speed bumps, cycle lanes and all the other traffic calming installations already in place. So many cyclists often pedal far in excess of 20mph too, so from your arguments some form of cycle identification scheme is also needed and vital to be able to deal with all speed limit breakers, otherwise it’s all grossly and unfairly biased towards prosecuting motorists only. It seems once whatever measures are in place, the really big problem that still remains is that even if a 20mph limit considerably lowers the speeds of most law abiding people by the constant fear of prosecution rather than their own judgment, it still doesn’t tackle the continuing menace of the small number of reckless drivers who either under the influence of various drugs, or are glued to their phones and don’t see the signs or just don’t care or give a damn will disregard any speed limit set often by very large amounts. I’ve seen so many of these types over the years and been frightened by them. Unfortunately your figures don’t weed out the proportion of ‘accidents’ due to these people and this kind of behaviour. You just lump all drivers together as equal danger. I think this is wrong and is doubtful any lower speed limit will solve this the by far most dangerous situations in towns. |
150 | Representative of a group North Stainley Church of England Primary school | Yes | We require a 20mph speed limit in the village of North Stainley, the A6108 crosses the village. The school uses a split site which involves crossing this busy road a number of a times a day. Despite having a crossing outside of the school there have been a number of near misses. During school hours this road is very busy as it is a popular route with tourists and bikers, it is also used by numerous heavy vehicles and farm traffic. It is a terrifying thought but also a real risk that a child or children could be injured or killed on this road either whilst at school or when coming or going from school. |
151 | Resident | No | It can cause more accidents and more vehicle emissions from braking, etc. Most people are sensible enough to drive slowly in residential areas and near schools. Those who aren’t will break the speed limit anyway. There are better things to spend public money on. I disagree with introducing a 20mph limit because it can cause more accidents and more vehicle emissions from braking, etc. Most people are sensible enough to drive slowly in residential areas and near schools. Those who aren’t will break the speed limit anyway. There are better things to spend public money on. |
152 | Resident – Osmotherly and Swainby | Yes | To restore quality of life and ensure residents’ road safety, often from non-residents speeding through our villages with no respect for the quality of life we have chosen |
153 | Resident – Osmotherly and Swainby | Yes | It’s a small sacrifice for drivers to reduce speed over a short stretch through a village but the benefits to residents are disproportionately far greater. |
154 | Headteacher – Ryedale | Yes | Definitely support this around all schools |
155 | Resident – Helmsley | No | the link is to campaign material presented as fact, but which actually interprets selected facts to support its own case – VERY SIMPLY, it’s biased 20MPH ZONES SHOULD BE TARGETED TO BE MORE EFFECTIVE – BLANKET CONVERSION OF 30 TO 20 (WITH 30MPH EXCEPTIONS) IS CRACKING A NUT WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER AND WON’T (I BELIEVE) SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCE PEDESTRIAN CASAULTIES |
156 | Resident – Goldsborough | Yes | I’m an individual not a group representation. In Goldsborough there’s increased traffic due to a) house development b) using the village as a rat run wheh the A59 is busy or gridlocked towards Knaresborough. Cars trucks and lorries come tearing through the village looking for a way around the A59 and pick up speed as they race through the village trying to make up for lost time. Cars from nearby car showrooms use the straight road towards the village pillars, are forced to slow for the actual pillars and immediately then pick up speed again outside the primary school. There’s Nothing to stop them, even 20 mph feels fast in this smalll village. |
157 | Academy Council Member Fountains and Grewelthorpe C of E primary Schools | Yes | Reason for speed restrictions needs to be obvious to drivers to ensure higher degree of compliance. whilst 20mph speed limits are appropriate in a number of places Drivers need to understand the reason for the reduced speed otherwise they will not comply. Reasons could be schools narrow roads and foot ways high numbers of pedestrians, amenity reasons or higher than national accident rates. Blanket restrictions for no reason will not have the desired effect and could in the long term be counterproductive |
158 | Parish Clerk – Willerby & Staxton Parish Council | Yes | Main Street in Staxton is used to access the village rather than the A64 traffic light controlled junction by parents going to Hertford Vale School, there have been a lot of near misses. Ings Lane and Wains Lane has already been put forward for a 20mph limit but Main Street and the rest of the village has been ignored. |
159 | Resident – Hunmanby | Yes | Because traffic is heavy and fast through Hunmanby it is killing off the village centre. It is becoming less and less comfortable to shop there at certain times if the day. |
160 | Town Councillor – High and Low Bishopside (Pateley Bridge Town Council) | Yes | I live in the village of Glasshouses, on the same, narrow country lane as the village of Bewerley. Bewerley is a 20MPH zone, whilst Glasshouses is 30 MPH. Yet in Glasshouses the roads are just as narrow, the pavements are narrower, and at the top of the village there are no pavements at all, meaning that children and adults alike have to walk in the 30 MPH road with cars, tractors, and motor bikes. Unlike Bewerley, Glasshouses has a primary school. It is therefore absurd that Glasshouses is still not a 20MPH zone unlike it’s neighbouring village of Bewerley. |
161 | Town Councillor – byland with Wass – Wass ward | Yes | please explain the lack of council consultation with the public / community – your customers who finance you to provide suitable services. this would save money |
162 | Representative of a group Normanby Parish | Yes | We are a very small village, but we do experience lots of tourists ( Flamingo Land ) and farm vehicles driving on a very tight road. |
163 | Resident | Yes | Recent nasty accident in neighbiuring Beadlam which led to another accident the following day. 2 small villages bisected by the A170, with bends and poor visibilty in places. Schools on both sides of the main road so many pedestrians crossing. Houses very close to main road in Nawton. Vehicles are considerably larger than when the 209 mph limit was set. so the damage they can do the people and property is considerable. Why is North |Yorkshire so behind Wales, Scotland and the rest of England. As all the residents I have spoken to say, “20 mph in villages and rural roads is just common sense.” |
164 | Pressure group Action Vision Zero | Yes | We strongly support the move to a default 20mph limit in built-up areas. The evidence is extremely strong of reducing the maximum speed of motor vehicle traffic in built-up areas on a) the numbers and severity of road casualties, b) a significant reduction in motor vehicle speeds with 20mph signed limits only with higher average speed declines on already faster roads and c) the use of this policy to enable higher levels of active travel – walking, wheeling and cycling. |
165 | Appleton Wiske Parish Council | No | Appleton Wiske PC adopted a resolution for 20 mph in Appleton Wiske over a year ago and has supplied, via Cllr Annabel Wilkinson, very detailed reasons as to why this is appropriate and needed. We have found that there is a lack of willingness on the part of Highways to meet with us to discuss this, they seemimgly being content to send usual pedantic, anodyne emails which never address the issues raised. |
166 | Resident | Yes | Living in Swinton where houses closely face either side of the main road we are disturbed by the large number of lorries that thunder through the village. We are also aware that on seeing a straight road ahead many motorists speed up well before they leave the present restricted zone. |
167 | Resident | No | Don’t feel the need for 20 mph main roads through local village |
168 | Local school employee | Yes | Speeding within school limits |
169 | Teacher at Malton Primary | Yes | Many people do not observe the speed limit, particularly on Highfield Road. Large wagons also often drive in safely in this area and at speed. |
170 | Headteacher – Barkston Ash Catholic Primary School | Yes | Our school is situated on a main road and the entrance is directly off the main road. To keep our children safer, the speed limit needs to be reduced from 30mph to 20mph. The majority of children walk along this road from a local breakfast club each morning, or cross the road from a local car park. With no traffic calming measures available, the 30mph speed limit adds unnecessary risk to our children (and many drivers do not take note of the speed limit as it stands, so 20mph signage would further support the safety of our children). Additionally, we endeavour to support our children to have Active Lives and part of this involves cycling to school. The vast majority of parents cite the reason for not allowing their child to cycle to school is the speed limit on the main road and the lack of traffic calming measures in place; even the few who do cycle feel that they have to use the footpath. |
171 | School – Malton Primary Academy | Yes | Amount of traffic and foot flow during school open and closing times. |
172 | Resident – Grantley village/. fountains Primary school | Yes | A 6 year old boy was knocked down and left with serious leg injuries following a road accident on Tuesday this week. This happened in Grantley village outside fountains Primary school. It’s a 30 speed zone and we ask for this to be change to 20. Please make sure this doesn’t happen again, please make sure no one has to go through what the little boy or his family is going through. Help us to help our community not just our children but horse riders or walkers safe through our village. |
173 | Representative of a group Masham CE VA Primary School | Yes | I agree with the speed review Masham is thought of as relatively quiet however this is not always the case – we recently sought support from the PCSOs to speak to our older children about how accidents can happen anywhere. |
174 | Representative of a group Kirk Smeaton Parish Council | Yes | We reside very close to the A1 motorway and have heigh levels of through traffic at busy times during the day. The 3 main arterial roads are often busy with traffic that exceed not only the 30 mph limit but sometimes upwards of 60 mph. To date we have not experienced any fatalities but do have instances where traffic accidents have occurred. Do we have to experience a fatality before any traffic calming action is taken? |
176 | Resident | No | My previous summary still stands. A further item came across the wires which should make interesting reading. I have advised I would have time to expand further in person and/or on the phone; I have also left a VM for I an Conlan. Sadly, as is usual, there has been no confirmation or call back which would be courteous. |
177 | Parish Councillor Great and Little Broughton parish Council | Yes | We have a primary school within our Parish (on Kirkby lane) where there is no speed monitoring/restriction other than 30mph and vehicles observed to travel above this. We are a residential community around a busy B road where traffic has been recently proven to be frequently in excess of 30mph – awaiting further assessment by authorities. |
178 | Chair Welburn Parish Council | Yes | Yes. We have been trying for some months to get reduced speed limits through Welburn. We have lots of walkers, cyclists and horse riders using the village street, not to mention our large elderly population who have to access narrow and often blocked footpaths. We also have a village school which makes our narrow Main Street very busy at various times of the day. Apparently, despite this, we don’t meet the criteria for a 20mph limit. |
179 | School Headmaster – Brackenfield School, Duchy Road Harrogate | Yes | Thank you; it is imperative for the safety of our whole school community that a 20mph limit is clearly indicated on the road passing our school |
180 | Resident | No | |
181 | Resident | Yes | I feel 20 mph limit will be complied with by the majority of drivers. As a pedestrian walking dogs or running on the main road in our village can be tricky when cars seem to come out of nowhere. I see that a reduction to 20 mph can only be a benefit to our village which can sometimes be used as a rat run by those leaving Ripon. |
182 | Resident | Yes | Our roads are narrow, bendy and a magnet for speeding cars and motorbikes. |
183 | Resident – Coneysthorpe | Yes | The road through the village is very dangerous, our exit onto the road is straight onto the road as there is no pavement, it’s also difficult to exit onto the road from the rear of Lake View Cottages due to drivers driving at speeds around 60mph. It’s a terrible blind spot and you have to edge out onto the road, it’s quite serious when visitors park in the village as they reduce the road to one lane, sometimes your turning into traffic that should not be in your lane due to overtaking the parked cars. There is also a holiday village in coneysthorpe with lots of walkers who can’t walk down the path due to parked cars it’s also dangerous for caravans pulling out into the road. |
184 | County Councillor. Woodlands, Scarborough | Don’t know | I think a blanket 20mph limit in towns would be unworkable. 20mph limits should be introduced on access roads to all schools in NY |
185 | County Councillor. Masham & Fountains | Yes | I agree that 20mph is the preferred speed limit, but not on a blanket application. In terms of establishing where it is safe for the 30mph limit to remain I think it important that the priority be given to introducing the reduced speed limit where communities have lobbied or will lobby for them to apply. Many residents in the rural villages in my ward have concerns about the speed of passing traffic, especially those with schools. Just last week a child at Fountains School was airlifted to hospital with a leg broken in two places having been knocked down by a passing vehicle outside the school. |
186 | Headteacher – Sharow CE Primary School | Yes | As a measure that will certainly increase safety, this must go ahead. |
187 | Resident – Masham | Yes | Our walking route to my son’s school feels unsafe, both because of the size of vehicles travelling down very narrow streets, making the narrow pavement feel unsafe, and the speed at which traffic goes round certain corners making it difficult to cross the road safely. We have also witnessed several collisions because of this. |
188 | Resident | Yes | We have a small village where visibility is compromised due to the traffic in the village |
189 | Resident – Lothersdale | Yes | Lothersdale is a dendritic village in layout, with a narrow winding main street past school, chapel, church, pub, recreation ground, club house, village hall and residences. Parking already narrows that avenue. The quiet community has children, cyclists, horse riders, dogs, wildlife & livestock sharing the route. While there is already a 20 zone at the school, it should be extended to the current 30 limits to ensure greater safety & associated benefits for the residents |
190 | Resident – Bedale | No | I feel the ‘facts’ are being misused to encourage people to support the 20 limit. All the information is written about benefits, some of which just doesn’t even stack up. You speak about the saving of fuel by not accelerating to 30mph. But neglected to mention that is the 20 is alternated with national speed limit then actually more fuel will be used going from 20 to 60 than it would be from 30 to 60. Similarly as everyone has now been held up being doing 20 they will accelerate harder. They will also brake harder on arrival in the villages causing more pollution from brake dust (small particulates). 20 mph may make sense in larger extensive urban areas but not in villages where traffic is just passing through. Additionally I have concerns that the dangerous areas for cycling or walking around the countryside are not in the 30mph zones, they are in the National speed limit areas where roads can be narrow and traffic fast. This coupled with older drivers with poor abilities or modern cars which actively steer themselves away from the near side curb and into the face of oncoming traffic is of much greater concern to me. Please think sensibly about all road users not just a knee jerk reaction to propaganda. I am aware that my view will be deeply unpopular in many places but I also feel that few who hold the same view as myself are prepared to speak out about it for fear of being lambasted by a woke minority. Slowing everyone down when journeys already take too long due to roadworks, congestion etc is not in my view the way forward. If anything the standard of driving should be raised and smoothness encouraged, not hard acceleration and braking in and out of 20 limits. We do not need them in villages. Please pass on my comments above |
191 | Resident | No | I think the money should be spent on increased signage and safety surrounding Fearby Road bridge as this is a more imminent safety risk. |
192 | Resident | Yes | A survey of local residents showed that over 85% of residents in Helmsley consulted about 20s Plenty were in favour . Residents are worried about speeding vehicles and are concerned about crossing the road. There have been several ‘near misses’ involving cars and pedestrians. Speeding agricultural vehicles are a particular concern due to their size. Lorries intimidate especially older folks. There is clear evidence that a 20mph speed limit where people live is safer, reduces air pollution and is quieter. Cycling and walking are made easier on slower roads where people feel safer. Children are more willing to bike to school if traffic is going more slowly. In places where a 20 mph speed limit has been implemented it is popular amongst residents and traffic does travel more slowly. There isn’t perfect compliance but cars generally go slower . 20s Plenty has been adopted in Oxfordshire , Wales and parts of Scotland. It is also a global movement . Over 140 parishes in N Yorkshire support it. |
193 | Resident | Yes | 20mph limits reduce the risk to pedestrians, reduce pollution and mean the roads are safer for all users |
194 | Resident | Yes | Can consideration be given to recoup the costs be any other way, ie; fine for those exceeding limits ? |
195 | Resident – Ruswarp | Yes | This is urgently needed to make villages near us safer places, for children, elderly as well as to make these places quieter and more enjoyable to live in. It would make little difference to journey times but would impact dramatically on quality of life |
196 | Resident – Ravensworth | Yes | My sons are aged 9 and 13. My 9 year old plays with his friends on the village green. They play on bikes and scooters and need to cross the road to get to each other’s houses. My concern is that large vehicles, including farm vehicles pass through the village at 30 mph. A 20 mph speed limit would increase safety of my son. My 13 year old has to cross the road to catch the school bus. Traffic can be fast at peak times. |
197 | Clerk to the Parish Council | Yes | Whixley Parish Council would like the speed limit to be 20 around the shop/Anchor/Ainsty View junction. This is a busy junction but there are also children playing nearby, pedestrians crossing the road to the shop/pub plus cyclists. it would be good if it was 20mph outside the village hall too, where children are going to the play area, and attending the village hall. |
198 | Resident | Yes | Child safety |
199 | Resident | Yes | School children around and people don’t adhere to the 30 |
200 | Resident | No | I think it’s only necessary near schools & colleges I don’t believe we do need the,. |
201 | Resident | Yes | No comments |
202 | Parish Councillor – Alne | Yes | None, fully understand and support We need 20mph for a better quality of life and safer active travel environment |
203 | Resident – Sutton in craven | Yes | Schools & safety when walking to and from school and zebra crossing to be put on bottom of sutton Park when crossing road to Sutton Baptists church, this is very narrow and drivers don’t stop to give way when children waiting on pathway |
204 | Resident | No | I honestly think a default limit of 20 is too low. Ridiculous really. Enforcement of existing limits would be better. Who is going to enforce such a wide 20 limit? Would need widespread consent which it does not enjoy. |
205 | Resident | No | There’s no point in spending the money and causing disruption unless you are prepared to enforce these limits in each and every location at all times. |
206 | Resident | Yes | Main issue in Masham is bikes speeding. If they don’t follow the 30mph limit currently in force why would they follow 20mph! |
207 | Resident | Yes | No |
208 | Resident | No | Not needed in Masham |
209 | Resident | No | Why is anybody in this country supporting and/or promoting a corrupt organisation like the WHO? If you want a 20 mph speed limit then introduce it and frame it within the traffic regulatory framework. Trying to infiltrate local communities with extremely restrictive and egregious WHO notions of justice as a disgrace. The WHO should have abc need not have anything to do with local communities anywhere. This is as pernicious as ULEZ and other insidious traffic measures. Can’t we be just trusted to get on with our lives without the overbearing oversight of organisations like the WHO or NICE Councillor Keane I’d like to hear your answer to the questions I just asked. Why is anybody in this country supporting and/or promoting a corrupt organisation like the WHO? If you want a 20 mph speed limit then introduce it and frame it within the traffic regulatory framework. Trying to infiltrate local communities with extremely restrictive and egregious WHO notions of justice as a disgrace. The WHO should have abc need not have anything to do with local communities anywhere. |
210 | Resident | Yes | No |
211 | Resident | yes | slow down traffic in areas where the size / width of road hasn’t changed for centuries |
212 | Resident | Yes | More traffic on the roads, esp tourist cars, motorhomes and motorbikes. People with mobility issues and the elderly need more time to cross the road and reducing speeds will also reduce noise. |
213 | Resident | Yes | Masham is a small town where motorised traffic including many motorcycles and regular HGVs share space including on the carriageway with pedestrians and cyclists. a 20mph limit throughout town would make it safer and far more pleasant for residents and visitors alike |
214 | Resident | No | Vote against this nightmare proposal. Very 1-sided and loaded questionairre. |
215 | Resident | Yes | I used to feel safe walking and cycling on the roads in and approaching Masham, but now I don’t. Cars speed too much especially on road from Roomer Common and into Masham. |
216 | Resident – Masham | No | We don’t |
217 | Resident – Masham | No | It is totally biased with little or no proof of a positive nature. We do not need speed limits in Masham over and above those already in force. 20 MPH speed limits around schools should only be in force when children are going to and from not a blanket limit 365 days a year and 24 hours daily. Other countries manage this. |
218 | Resident – Kirkby Malzeard | Yes | People are driving too fast on Main Street. Traffic needs to slow down. |
219 | resident | Yes | Narrow roads, with limited pavements… so pedestrians often have to walk in the road |
220 | Town Councillor | Yes | A motion was passed by Malton Town Council on Wednesday 21st June to support a Yes comment to this consultation: “Malton Town Council supports the policy outlined in this speed review – default 20 mph limits for North Yorkshire’s villages and towns, with the exceptions to 30 mph where it is safe to do so phased over 3-4 years costing a one off £5-£10 per head.” |
221 | Resident | Yes | A child was knocked down in Grantley last week crossing to go to school. Why a reduced speed limit hasn’t been enforced in villages with schools is beyond me. Enforcing 30mph limits is difficult enough. |
222 | Resident | yes | The large trucks and huge tractors go far too fast for the roads in Masham. The vehicles produce very loud banging (rattling) noises (especially when the tractors are towing empty trailers or the trucks are empty) as they drive past. This isn’t helped by the uneven road surface with potholes, even small ones cause a loud noise. There are many elderly people living in Masham and it’s hair raising to see them slowly cross the road with large vehicles hurtling towards them. |
223 | Yes | The roads and pavements are narrow. The pavements are often obstructed by vehicles parking on them forcing pedestrians onto the road. Some roads do not have pavements at all and some are just too narrow to walk on both resulting to pedestrians having to be on the roads. The majority of roads have vehicles parked on them making the roads one way traffic at a time and often see vehicles driving on pavements if they meet a vehicle coming towards them. Because pedestrians and vehicles are often having to share the roads I believe slower speeds will be safer. | |
224 | Resident | Yes | No |
225 | Resident | No | This is simply more oppression of the car owner and local business, the arguments for a 20 mph are wholly unsubstantiated and biased in terms of the accuracy of their evidence, for instance, both diesel and petrol particulate filters perform extremely badly at lower speeds and cannot perform their regeneration cycles causing excess emissions at 20 mph not, as claimed reducing emissions at 20 mph. This is a politically and ideologically motivated proposal and has absolutely nothing to do either safety or environmental concerns. |
226 | resident | Yes | I support a 20mph speed limit in towns and residential areas where you have vehicles, cycles, people on foot, no designated crossing areas and tourists who don’t know the roads. Masham is a wonderful town and we welcome tourists who help keep our town alive. I believe a 20’s plenty area throughout the main roads of the town would be a good investment in the safety and comfort of residents and tourists alike. |
227 | Resident | Yes | We have a great number of goods vehicles and farm vehicles coming through Masham on a daily basis and with many pedestrians, residents and visitors moving around the town without any pedestrian crossings, 20mph would help to reduce the risks of road traffic accidents |
228 | Representative of a group Hetton with Bordley Parish Meeting | Yes | The main road through Hetton village is an extremely busy road used by vehicles crossing through from Grassington to Gargrave and particularly by customers, staff and delivery vehicles for the Angel Inn pub and restaurant, as well as local residents, walkers, cyclists and other visitors. There are many points of access to the main road for vehicles, walkers, cyclists and pedestrians alike, and – due to parking on the roadside or on the parking area outside the Angel – many of these have restricted vision to traffic coming through the village. The Parish Meeting has agreed that the current 30mph speed limit is not adequate to ensure the safety of all these road users. The road is busier year on year due to the expansion of the Angel Inn, and the increase in visitor numbers to the village. In addition, we have elderly residents who use mobility scooters and other mobility aids, plus parents with young children in buggies, and young children on bikes and scooters. The Parish Meeting has surveyed local residents, and has unanimous agreement for the need for a 20mph speed limit through the village. |
229 | Representative of a group | Yes | None |
230 | Resident | Yes | In Masham there is an aging community and there are people in wheelchairs, people with walking frames and walking sticks. They are nervous and struggle to get across the roads . In a few areas you have to look left and right but also the backwards. Going into the square you are looking into five areas to get across. |
231 | Resident | Yes | There is currently a 30 limit in place in my village of Skipton on Swale, but it is clear, on the many occasions I walk through the village, that vehicles do not follow the speed limit and are forced to slam their brakes on when approaching the traffic lights, or speed up to ensure they make it through the lights in time. There are residents of all ages living in the village, which needs to be made safer for them. |
232 | Resident | Yes | As i live and work in the village i feel a 20mph limit is very necessary for the amount of large wagons/tractors we have passing through, being one of the main diversion routes when the A1 is closed. It is quite dangerous when vehicles speed past our primary school at 30mph+. It only makes sense that school zones/streets are set to 20mph limits, this will help keep children and the local community safe. |
233 | Representative of a group Croft Community, Highfield Road | yes | The road is dangerous, because community members are worried that cars drive too fast. Tom, Croft Community If the cars keep coming we have to wait a long time to cross the road. Its very noisy and there are lots of fumes. Ian, Croft Community The blind corner means we have a dangerous area which is dangerous to cross. If there were lights or a zebra crossing it would help. Fiona, Croft Community Something to warn traffic that we are here might help them to slow down on the corner. A sign or something could help. Ginny, Croft Community When the lorries come round the corner they are very loud and can be frightening. It stops some people from wanting to cross the road so they can walk into town. Owen, Croft Community |
234 | General Manager for Croft Community | yes | Croft Community supports 36 adults with a learning disability who live or travel to the site on Highfield Road |
235 | Representative of a group Beehive/ Yew Tree, Camphill Village Houses | Yes | The traffic has increased enormously with many more lorries coming along Highfield Road as well. The residents in Beehive and Yew Tree (some have sensory impairments) don`t feel safe crossing the road anymore. |
236 | Resident Malton | Yes | |
237 | Representative of a group Rowan House, The Camphill Village Trust | yes | We would like a crossing put in near where we live and cars to slow down to make it easier and safer for us to cross roads and get out and about in the community |
238 | Representative of a group Croft Community | Yes | Why does nothing appear to be being done about the congestion on Langton Road around the primary school site? People are not adhering to the 20mph limit, and are driving and parking dangerously out of apparent self-interest and with complete disregard for the safety and needs of others. |
239 | Resident West Heslerton | Yes | I live at West Heslerton and there is no speed limit in the village. The road where I live goes up to the school and then is a dead end but cars speed both ways and as there are cars parked on one side it is very dangerous as there is only room for one car at a time. It is only a matter of time until someone, probably a child gets knocked down. We also have no street lights. |
This table is downloadable in (XLSX) spreadsheet format.
Public engagement undertaken by local campaigns and parish councils indicate consistently significant majorities of respondents in North Yorkshire’s communities want 20mph as a norm in settlements. Not a “blanket”. Some roads can be set at higher limits, where the needs of vulnerable road users are safely met. Default 20mph is United Nations (UN), World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England best practice policy, and for the UK under the Stockholm agreement. The Department for Transport agrees to safe systems too of which wide area 20mph is key.
Locals understand how higher vehicle speeds blight communities and inhibit their ability to walk, cycle and use public transport. They know lower speeds save lives and reduce pollution and appreciate that 20mph can be the cornerstone of building inclusive communities – safer, quieter, cleaner, more economically thriving, better places to be. In successive UK government surveys, 70% said that 20mph was the right speed limit for residential streets. Nowhere in the UK with default 20mph has reversed it. Support grows.
Cornwall, under the Conservatives, won with a manifesto promise of 20mph. It is going default 20mph with support from 135 Town councils. 76% of residents supported it in Falmouth-Penryn and 85% in the more rural Camelford area after implementation. £3.8M is allocated for a phased programme through to 2026 – see this link. £3.8M/578,000 people = £6.50 per head. Read the case for 20mph across Cornwall. Chances of survival if struck at 20mph (90%) are much greater than 30mph (50%), negligible effect on journey times, more cycling and walking, less pollution and it’s popular.
In successive UK government surveys, 70% say 20mph is the right speed limit for residential streets. 153 Parishes and NYC’s Harrogate and Knaresborough, and Selby and Ainsty Area Committees have voted for 20mph as the norm, representing well over 50% (over 300,000) of the County’s residents. That support is a key factor in such community-wide limits being effective. Many councillors implementing 20mph as a norm around the country say it is the most popular intervention they have made.
Quality of life improves, which is why 20mph is popular. Places become safer, healthier, quieter, cleaner, better for everyone. Less danger leads to 20% fewer road casualties and less fear.
In urban and village areas it is the acceleration that most determines the fuel used and emissions. As it requires over twice as much energy to reach 30 mph as 20 mph then a lower limit saves energy that would be wasted whenever slowing down for hazards, traffic, corners, etc. and going faster than 20mph makes little difference to journey times within towns and villages. Lower speeds make it far more attractive to walk or cycle to local shops and facilities rather than using fuel in a car.
Freedom of choice increases for the young, elderly to walk (or cycle) to school, shops, grandparents, friends. Horse riders gain freedom to use more routes with less fear of fast traffic.
This wide-area intervention has minimal costs yet has reach across the whole county.
Future generations benefit from spending capital wisely with returns that stay within the county.
Less aggressive driving means fewer potholes to fill.
North Yorkshire and York’s killed and serious injuries (KSI) – red and amber above – are not improving on 30mph roads (those likely to go 20mph). Driver & rider injuries are shown. See this link for further details.
Separating out North Yorkshire’s 30mph roads (excluding York) – 30mph roads are unsafe and not getting safer.
See also this Department for Transport link.
Whereas, Calderdale saw a significant reduction attributed to its 20mph limits 2015 – 17. There were 30-40% fewer casualties, and £821k of funds saved over £3m in casualties in the first 3 years (rate of return of £3.65 for every £1 spent), with ongoing benefits for a minimal cost.
North Yorkshire Council can recognise the multiple benefits of lower speeds and its links to other agendas such as improving air quality, reducing CO2 emissions and noise, its benefit to active travel, and consider how best to implement default 20mph to maximise compliance. 20s Plenty provide a rollout blueprint.
20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire call for wide area 20mph with social marketing as a 3-4 year County-wide programme starting as soon as possible in Whitby (13,000 people) where a school is proposed to close – meaning children will walk further, and the Harrogate and Knaresborough Constituency area (100,000 people), and then rolled out across the County.
Costs & Funding: A one-off £5 per head is typical. Calderdale spent under £4 per head. Cornwall allocated £6.50 per head. Funds can be obtained from Department for Transport, active travel funds, community infrastructure levies, reserves and more with public health expertise for social marketing.
See more on the 20s Plenty Cost Benefit Calculator.
In North Yorkshire: A total cost of £2.4m on 20mph signed limits and social marketing could prevent 65 casualties per year (£3.4m benefit in prevention).
Questions? see the 20s Plenty 20mph FAQs.
Consultation Methodology
This 20’s Plenty for North Yorkshire Speed Review was a PDF sent by email & google forms on 24 May 2023. Replies were requested by
7 July 2023. The consultation is available on this link. The consultation asks for the following information
18 in Selby District, but Area Committee voted for it for whole district: Selby Town Council, Burton Salmon, Church Fenton, Ulleskelf, Wistow, Saxton-cum-Scarthingwell, Lead, Hambleton, Hillam, Monk Fryston, Kirk Smeaton, Beal, Byrum cum Sutton, Sherburn-in-Elmet, Barkston Ash, Drax, Hemingborough, Barlby & Osgodby Town Council (one parish).
10 in Scarborough District: Whitby Town Council, Hutton Buscel, Hunmanby, Lythe, Reighton & Speeton (single parish), 3 parishes (Mickleby, Barnby and Ellerby), Muston, Egton.
39 in Harrogate District, but Area Committee voted for it for whole district : Kirk Hammerton, Lower Washburn (5 parishes – Castley, Lindley, Stainburn, Farnley and Leathley), Sicklinghall, Felliscliffe, 5 parishes making up Mid-Wharfedale (Nesfield-with-Langbar, Middleton, Denton, Askwith and Weston), 4 parishes (Grantley, Sawley, Eavestone & Skelding Parish Council), 3 parishes making up Fountains Abbey (Studley Roger, Aldfield, Lindrick with Studley Royal and Fountains), 3 parishes making up Skelton cum Newby (Skelton-on-Ure, Newby with Mulwith, Givendale), Weeton, Langthorpe, Whixley, Sharow, 2 Parishes (Staveley and Copgrove), 1 Parish (Bishop Thornton, Shaw Mills & Warsill), 2 Parishes (Tockwith with Wilstrop), 2 Parishes (Goldborough & Flaxby), 2 Parishes (Haverah Park with Beckwithshaw), 3 Parishes (Little Ouseburn, Kirby Hall, Thorpe Underwood).
32 in Hambleton : Great Ayton, Thornton-le moor (including Thornton-le-street – 2 Parishes), Rudby Parish Council – 4 parishes (also includes Hutton Rudby, Middleton-on-Leven, Skutterskelfe), 2 Parishes share a council: Bagby & Balk, Tollerton, Whorlton, Carlton Husthwaite, Carlton in Cleveland, Northallerton Town Council, Brompton Town Council, Stokesley Town Council, Bedale Town Council, 2 Parishes share a council (Sessay, Hutton Sessay), 2 parishes share a council (High & Low Worsall), East Cowton, Newton-on-Ouse, Great & Little Broughton (one parish), Ingleby Arnecliffe, Shipton by Beningborough, Appleton Wiske,3 parishes (Maunby, Newby Wiske and South Otterington), Myton on Swale, South Kilvington.
16 in Richmondshire : West Witton, Ravensworth, Whashton, 2 parishes (Grinton & Ellerton Abbey), Alborough St John, Middleton Tyas, Skeeby, Leyburn Town Council, 2 Parishes (Manfield & Cliffe), Melsonby, 2 Parishes (Stapleton & Cleasby), Bellerby, Caldwell.
19 Parishes in Craven : Skipton Town Council, Settle Town Council, Buckden, Ribble Banks Grouped Parish Council (consists of 3 Parishes: Rathmell, Wigglesworth and Halton West), Draughton, Hebden, Eastby with Embsay (one parish), Gargrave, Stainforth, Cononley, Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Langcliffe, Bradleys Both, Long Preston, Sutton-in-Craven, Ingleton, Burnsall.
19 Parishes in Ryedale : Kirkbymoorside Town Council, Warthill, Scagglethorpe, Settrington, Lockton, Sproxton, Kirby Misperton, Sheriff Hutton, Wharram, Amotherby, Swinton, Broughton, Byland with Wass and Oldstead (2 parishes), Ampleforth, Malton Town Council, Norton Town Council, Burythorpe, Leavening.
The following were included