The North Yorkshire Council Climate Change Strategy Draft was published on Monday 13 February and is available to view online.
The Strategy outlines the activities which the new North Yorkshire Council can take to tackle the causes and impacts of climate change through four areas:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to slow down climate change.
- Preparing Council services and North Yorkshire residents for the changing climate.
- Supporting nature, on which the county depends to thrive.
- North Yorkshire Council – to be operationally carbon neutral by 2030.
It also highlights how North Yorkshire Council will work with partners across the public, private and voluntary sectors to support the regional ambition to become a carbon negative region by 2040 – following the York and North Yorkshire Routemap to Carbon Negative.
Reference copies of the strategy draft are also available in local libraries. Residents, communities, voluntary groups, businesses and partners, are asked to give their views.
The consultation closes on 7 April 2023.