Campervan / Motorhome Parking Consultation

Campervans on Upgang Ravine

In November, North Yorkshire Council (NYC) brought in an experimental Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for 3 areas of the Yorkshire coast. One of these areas is Sandsend Road. During the first 6 months of this order they are running a consultation on what people think of it.

You can find the consultation HERE.

Whilst it is all well and good commenting on this very specific measure and area, it would be wise to look at the bigger picture. If campervans are prohibited in other areas, they will likely only go to the areas with no such restriction. How are campervans / motorhomes handled in other parts of the country, so we can see what other types of measures are being used? Here we present three such measures.

The scheme set up in York is as follows

  • Car/Coach parks: cannot park motorhomes, most car parks have height barriers preventing access for larger vehicles.
  • Park & Ride sites: have designated areas for motorhomes/larger vehicles (check the opening times), overnight parking is not permitted.
  • On-street parking: Limited number of large on-street parking bays at specified site(s), payment by Pay-By-Phone service.
  • Overnight parking: Overnight motorhome parking can be booked via The Caravan Club.

The scheme run by Fylde Council is as follows

  • Daytime: Motorhomes can park on any long stay  or designated short-stay car parks, paying for number of bays occupied.
  • Overnight (7pm and 9am): Overnight parking at designated car parks, dependant on vehicle’s maximum length, for 48hrs maximum, parked in a designated motorhome bay only.
  • Car Park Facilities: do not offer any additional facilities. Designated sluice unit (no water supply) for use by motorhomers (cost £1.00), with one 20 minutes free designated parking bay.
  • Horse Boxes: allowed on designated beach/car park, must display valid permit (£20/annum) & pay and display car park ticket for each bay used. Permit enables Council to check appropriate third party liability insurance available. Whitby – for fishermen/jet skies/beach huts etc for access to lower prom?

The scheme run in Torbay area is as follows

On-street Parking:

  • Vehicle must fit entirely within the bay markings, must not overhang any part of the bay or walls, promenades & other land.
  • Vehicles are not permitted to use multiple parking spaces even if more than one pay and display ticket or parking session is paid for.

Pay and Display Tickets in Car Parks:

  • Must purchase a pay and display ticket for each of the bays occupied & must not overhang the bay markings.
  • Vehicles overhanging any part of the bay markings, or failure to display the correct number of tickets will result in the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.

Overnight Use

  • Overnight sleeping in vehicles or camping is not permitted, nor is the heating, cooking or preparing of food.
  • Suitable camping and caravanning sites across the bay with full amenities are available – see website.
  • Designated car parks available for campervans to park between 6pm to 10am, cost £11-£15 per night/per bay, maximum stay 2 nights in any location.

All users of campervans are not the minority that deposit human waste down drains, just like all dog owners aren’t the ones that don’t pick up. Wouldn’t providing a system that facilitates the responsible owners without inconveniencing people who live here (together with suitable enforcement on the ones that aren’t responsible) go a long way towards overcoming the problem? This would also bring in money that could be used to improve the area.

The issue of campervan / motorhome parking is much bigger than Sandsend Road. There are major problems on Upgang Ravine. There are major problems in residential areas of Whitby. There are also problems on parts of West Cliff, and in other car parks such as Abbey. A complete system is required not just a sticking plaster that makes it go elsewhere.

Why not provide designated places for overnight parking?

Why not provide marked bays for parking so then a fair system is in place for charging for parking where a motorhome is taking up the same space as 2 normal sized cars?

Why not provide designated sluice tank locations (to use for a fee)?

What do you think?

Please do fill in the NYC consultation, and have your say on what the system for the whole of this area be, not just Sandsend Road.

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One thought on “Campervan / Motorhome Parking Consultation

  1. If they can afford to buy these vans then they should use proper sights,i often see them parked up on the Ropery in whitby and all the way up Greenlane in front of peoples houses.
    They really dont bring much to the town as they load up with provisions before setting off,they also take up valuable resident parking which is not right to save a few quid.
    Pay to use designated parks

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