One of the Town Deal projects still ongoing is the “Harbourside Public Realm Improvements and Pedestrianisation of Swingbridge”. This has involved closing of the Swingbridge to traffic (except buses) over busier weekends, and introducing a turning circle in Tin Ghaut car park on Church Street.
At the NYC Scarborough and Whitby Area Committee the Chairman of the Captain Cook Museum, on Grape Lane that directly adjoins Tin Ghaut car park, provided a statement / question on the impact of this Town Deal change, as follows
Before I make my statement can I thank the deferment of closing the swing bridge from October to November. Evidence that the feelings of residents and businesses are listened to.
My statement and Question(s)
The state of the Turning Circle (Church Street/Grape Lane) is atrocious. When will North Yorkshire mend, clear the rubbish, return the area to something we can feel proud of rather than the current patch and repair?
I feel that the current state of the turning circle (Church Street/Grape Lane) introduced for use when the Swing Bridge is closed is a stark reflection of the neglect and disregard for the heritage of our town. Potholes seem to be appearing with frequency and in some cases deep potholes exposing the cellar brickwork of demolished buildings from the former Tin Ghaut. The surface is uneven and undulating and an ominous crack is now running alongside the gable end of a Grade 1 listed building – the Captain Cook Memorial Museum. At what stage will this be thoroughly investigated rather than what happens at the moment which is patch and repair?
This is not just a matter of inconvenience; it’s a disservice to our town and heritage; an affront to our sense of pride and a challenge to our commitment to the preservation as a town. We cannot stand idly by while our history crumbles before us. We must act now before it is too late. I would suggest that putting a weight limit on the traffic using the circle would be a good start.
That’s not all; the litter strewn carelessly about this space further adds to the dismay and reflects badly on us as a town. Discarded wrappers, plastic bottles, fish and chip trays, uneaten picnics, and emptied car ash trays tarnish the whole area. A blatant disregard for our environment and a disregard for the pride we should hold in our community. How often is this area cleared and tidied other than when civil minded residents clear and clean?
When can we expect to enjoy a clean and welcoming environment?
In conclusion I am asking for 3 considerations
- A weight limit on vehicles using the turning circle.
- A thorough investigation of what lies under the turning circle.
- A regular weekly/fortnightly tidying and clearing of rubbish left in the area.
Chairman of Captain Cook Museum, Grape Lane.
Firstly, if the turning circle and “ominous crack alongside the gable end” causes subsequent damage to the Captain Cook museum, then NYC should be responsible for the remedial works.
Secondly, projects that are supposedly “levelling up” should, first and foremost, be preserving the cultural heritage of the town as a prerequisite. Is this not an overriding concern that should underpin all Town Deal projects?
What do you think?